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You Can Handle All Your HVAC Woes Easily With The Help Of This Article

When your HVAC system is working at its peak performance, then this is quite an enjoyable experience. Without the cool air during summer or the warm air during winter, life is much less comfortable. However, this can become a nightmare quickly if the HVAC system in your home fails. To make sure that your system runs correctly for a long time, continue reading tips on how to maintain it correctly.

If you must hire someone to help you out with your HVAC system, be sure to learn about all of the requirements your state has legislated regarding licencing and insurance. You need to be able to ask anyone you plan to hire if they meet these requirements before you hire them.

Do not be surprised if the HVAC contractor you choose does an evaluation on your home. Any good contractor will spend time looking at the system you currently have and what the needs are for your home. They will also take a look at your duct system and look for air leaks.

If you want to save money once a new HVAC system is put in place, be sure to pick ENERGY STAR rated products to use. They are very energy efficient so your new system won't cost you a ton when it comes to your utility bills every month, recouping some of your installation costs.

Whenever possible, try to shade the compressor unit outside. The air that's in a place that is shaded is usually five to six degrees cooler than the surrounding air. Your air conditioning unit will be up to ten percent more efficient if it is properly shaded during the summer months.

Having a programmable thermostat installed is a money saving idea. In fact, you can save as much as 10 percent on both heating and cooling when you turn your thermostat by by 10-15 percent for at least 8 hours daily. You can often control it from your mobile phone!

If you want to seriously extend the life of your HVAC system, as well as cut down your overall power bill, install ceiling fans in commonly used warm season rooms. Energy-star certified ceiling fans can sometimes cut your HVAC use in half. However, you won't physically notice a difference in temperature.

Always check to see how long a company or contractor has been working for. This gives you some history so that you can be sure the company is reliable. Otherwise, you are taking a huge risk with the person you hire.

If your fan condenser has oil ports, you must lubricate it once per year. These ports are typically covered with caps made of metal or rubber. Use a lightweight oil and do not overfill them.

Turn off your air conditioner when no one is home to help save money. You may want to turn your unit off if your house will not become extremely hot or cold. If you leave it on all day, it's fighting the heat constantly, meaning it's using a lot of electricity to do its job.

If you have fans in place to help make your HVAC more efficient, be sure that they're turning in the right direction. They should be pushing air downwards over the people in the room to help cool their skin. If it's blowing upwards, all it does is push hot air into the room.

While price should be one of the considerations you make when you are hiring an HVAC contractor, do not allow it to cloud your judgement. There are other factors that need to be considered in order to make a sound decision. Experience level, work ethic and positive reviews are a few things that should be considered as well.

If your home gets hot in the summer and you'd like to use your air conditioner less often, consider a metal roof. It reflects the heat right back up into the sky, allowing your home to gain less heat on sunny days. Since metal roofs are permanent, you'll save on repair and replacement costs also.

Every month clean out the leaves and debris that may have settled into your outdoor HVAC unit. You'll be surprised at how much gets caught in your unit. Over time these leaves can build up and create issues for your system. Just this little clean up can save you a lot of money in maintenance bills.

Have your HVAC inspected every year to ensure that it is working properly. The technician will check your filters, drain lines, air flow and Freon levels. This will have your HVAC working at peak performance saving you money all season long. It will also alert you to any repairs that need to be address before they become big problems.

To block out the sun on hot summer days, allowing your air conditioner to run less frequently, invest in heat blocking drapes. These textiles come in beautiful patterns and colors today, looking just like their designer counterparts. They will keep the heat out so that your home stays cooler without costing you an arm and a leg on utility bills.

Look for deals on equipment. The equipment you need to update, maintain or repair your HVAC system tends to be expensive. Keep your eyes open for available coupons, store discounts and rebates on this equipment. Stock up on things you always need, like filters, when they are on sale.

If you hear clicking noises from your condenser fan, make sure that it is not striking something inside the unit. If it is not hitting something, it may be bent. Do not try to straighten the blades. This could cause it to become unbalanced. Simply replace the blade to ensure proper rotation.

While it is common practice to negotiate a rate quoted by a contractor, you should not offer an amount that the contractor will find offensive. They have to pay for things like insurance and overhead costs. Keep this in mind when you are trying to haggle with them for a better rate.

As stated in the introduction, it is your home's HVAC system that lets you enjoy a consistent indoor temperature range all year long. Regardless of the season, your here properly maintained home heating, ventilation and air conditioning means you rest comfortably inside. Use the advice from this article to make sure that your home stays the temperature you want.

'Over 150 calls just from freezing pipes': Plumbers scramble to help homeowners on Vancouver Island


Heat exterior walls where waterlines enter your home or business

Keep water movement in your pipes. A last resort can be allowing a bathtub to run overnight at a low drizzle

Insulate exterior hose taps. Hardware stores supply insulation product, or even wrap a dry cloth around the hose bib

Know where your water shutoff valves are. If you start to see flooding shut them off immediately

Even the City of Victoria was caught in a soggy position Thursday morning.

An exterior pipe burst on the Pandora Street side of City Hall early Thursday causing water to spill onto the street below, according to city officials.

Crews quickly located the broken pipe and repaired it. The city says no interior damage has been found due to the leak.


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